Sunday July 7th. 2024 5.10 pm. The Weather: 15°C. Cloudy and damp at first, turning into a sunny afternoon.

Greenhowe Luxury Lodges & Caravans
Delightful Lake District Cottage
Keith Melling Studio Gallery

Today's Photographs

Cloudy and damp to start, The Old Man from High Cross


Ambleside, Rothay Park, the Parish Rooms and St Marys' spire


Central Buildings


North Road


'And Pigs Might Fly' by David Cemmick in The Old Courthouse Gallery


Coniston, blue sky at teatime.

Your messages are very important to me, please send an email to:

>>Dear Tony We always enjoy your beautiful photographs, but I had to smile just now at the raindrops on the window image heading Friday's set. That's exactly the view I have as I sit at the computer this morning! I'm thrilled to see rain as the garden desperately needs it, but the accompanying wind is NOT welcome! My poor flowers and shrubs...... but that's one of the chances you take when you live just half a mile from the English Channel. I am keeping all fingers crossed that it will at least be dry later this month when we have a three night stay booked in Langdale on our way further north. I can always imagine the Pikes, but I'd rather see them again - it's been several years since we were last there. Best wishes Judith in Sussex.

Disclaimer - 'THE WEATHER' is only my personal opinion - when you next come to the Lakes and get sunburnt (or soaked ) - the author of this page bears absolutely no responsibility. You are welcome to copy any of these pictures for your own use, but please credit the photographer, Tony Richards, or add a link to these pages. The camera is a Panasonic Lumix TZ70. Sometimes a nearly new Fujifilm HS20EXR bridge.

For a more accurate forecast; try the Lake District Fell Top Weather conditions on 0844 846 2444 or BBC weather

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Photographs & website copyright Tony Richards 1998 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.